Thursday, April 16, 2009

i'd like to concentrate on anything, but alas, it is not in the cards

Hello, all.  CD26 here.  The day we all hope to not get any updates at all, cause that may mean good things.  Except I am now rationalizing that we triggered later than normal, and our usual timing may be a bit off.   But I'm trying not to obsess.  See me, not obsessing?  It's exhausting.

I'm loving the sunshine, so I'm attributing my exceptional mood to the nice weather.  (Hello, spring!)  We also made reservations for a wine tasting for next week, figuring that if we plan for activities that are verboten during pregnancy, then surely we will be pregnant for them.  See how I did that?  It's a little thing I like to call bad logic. 

So far, it's working well for me.

Let's see, what else is new?  I made the best tortellini I've ever had last night, with some chicken and rosemary filling.  Those refrigerated-pasta people know what they're doing.  I have some new clean-freak thing going on, too.  I believe I've been replaced with a housework-loving clone.  It's the only reasonable explanation I can think of. 
I can almost guarantee more nonsensical rants in the near future.  Thanks for playing.

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